Wednesday 15 September 2010


Brief: Vicks wants a new look and feel, create a fully integrated campaign to reignite the Vicks brand and make people aware of its primary function, try to incorporate the use of social media into the campaign.

Solution: I developed a campaign with a message to 'free your nose' allowing it to breath freely and be instead of blocked up and miserable. I sketched down the initial ideas of how the campaign could work in print, and I also developed an online idea for the campaign, where people would receive a free 'nose' with every product, which they can then 'set free'. They can do this by taking a picture of their nose being 'set free' with their camera or smartphone in a ideal location, then upload the images to with a chance to win some freedom for their own nose on a holiday. 

Vicks 'Noses' are given away with promotional
packs, people can then free nose, in fresh open places.

People can then use their camera phone to take a picture
of their 'free nose' and upload it to
for a chance to win some amazing holidays to free
their own nose.

People can upload images to, which links to Facebook and Twitter.
The most popular images have a chance to win a holidays to relaxing destinations. 


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